Run, Don't Walk
In Robert Novak's October 1 column for the Union Leader, he wrote a small item about Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's brief press conference, held to discuss the recently opened probes by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice into his sketchy dumping of HCA stock.
According to Novak:
"Frist called a press conference to read a brief statement asserting that he 'had no information about HCA or its performance that was not publicly available.' He then walked briskly out of the room with his back to the camera.
The practical choices facing Frist were either to issue his statement without a press conference or to submit to questions. Instead, the televised image of him appearing to flee questioning could have increased suspicions that he had something to hide."
Didn't Novak do something similar when he stormed off the set of CNN's Crossfire to avoid Ed Henry's questioning about his role in the Plamegate affair?
From Rush Limbaugh condemning all drug addicts as criminals while high on illegally prescribed OxyContin to Ralph Reed's condemnation of gambling while accepting millions of dollars from casinos to help put their rivals out of business, this type of hypocrisy seems to run rampant through the right wing punditry.
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