We don't split hairs.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Down In A Fox Hole

Fox sucks.

I'm not talking about Fox News (which does suck), I am talking about the network's seeming inability to promote any baseball other than Yankee baseball. I turned on the television today at four o'clock, the scheduled time, to watch game four of the NLCS and what do I find? Overtime football.

Okay, I understand they aren't going to just stop showing an overtime game that is important to a lot of people to show the pregame stuff for the NLCS, so I switch to FX, figuring that like ESPN often does, they'll at least have the beginning of the game on another station they own.


They are playing Broken Arrow, the incredibly bad "blockbuster" starring Christian Slater and John Travolta. If this were a Yankee game, they'd preempt the football or the shitty movie and bring you directly to the baseball game. Or, at the very least, let you know what was going on.

I hold my temper for a few minutes and wait. Of course, Dallas wins quickly and I breath a sigh of relief and think, "okay, now they'll put the baseball game on."

Wrong. It's another overtime football game!

Now, I understand the first game, but to put on this second game (a game that nobody in the area had expected to see), without even mentioning what is going on in the baseball game is just plain garbage. If I were Bud Selig I would be calling my lawyers asking them to look over the contract with Fox to see if any legal action could be taken.

Sure, there could be a rain delay, or some other sort of problem, but at least let the viewers know. With all the advertisements and news scrolling across the bottom of the screen non-stop, why can't they at least say something more than, "NLCS Next! Only on Fox!" Next? After every football game has ended? After John Madden shuts up? After Fox decides there is nothing it deems more important to show?


Blogger bloodysox said...

John Madden is a turn burglar, and Joe Buck and the rest of the Fox Baseball crew sould slip in a puddle of AIDs and fall through a wall of Cancer. NESN BABY, NESN!

1:29 PM, October 19, 2005

Blogger bloodysox said...


John Madden is a TURD burglar.

---we now return to your regularly scheduled program------

1:30 PM, October 19, 2005


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