We don't split hairs.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm Back

Sorry for the long delay, folks. I just started a new job and spend a lot of my time in the city, and the time I don't spend there, I spend getting there and back. I've come to the realization that commuting to NY costs almost as much as living there - and I don't even pay rent! $13 per train ride, plus gas to get to the station, and I end up spending around $45 per day just to get to work and back home, and I don't even take the subway because of the extra cost. Forget food. I make due with the free bagels every morning and the pizza every Friday and water from the cooler.

$225 per week just to get to work. God Bless America!

UPDATE: I just bought a monthly pass for the LIRR which cuts down my costs considerably. Instead of $130 per week on train tickets, it cost me $267 for unlimited rides the entire month. Nice.


Blogger bloodysox said...

dude, that fuckin' sucks. I'm curious, how in the hell does it cost that much per day! What's the breakdown?

11:03 AM, November 03, 2005

Blogger JTA said...

$13 per train ride = $26 per day
+$10-20 gas
= $36-$46 per day

10:33 PM, November 03, 2005

Blogger bloodysox said...

How the fuck does a train ride cost $13! I was pissed when they raised the cost of a T token in Boston from $1.00 to $1.25!
Do they charge $13 for one token or do you have to switch a bunch of times or something? This is absurd.

11:22 AM, November 04, 2005

Blogger JTA said...

It's the Long Island Railroad, not the subway. Since I live towards the east end of LI, I need to take a long train ride into the city. The subway costs $2. The LIRR, from where I get on, costs $13. If I were to take the subway from Penn Station (where I get off) it would cost me an additional $2. But, while the weather is nice, I walk the 10-or-so blocks to work from Penn.

11:42 AM, November 04, 2005

Blogger bloodysox said...

Ohh...I thought that you were living in Staten Island. This all makes more sense now.

1:58 PM, November 07, 2005


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