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Sunday, October 30, 2005

United By A Divider

While on the campaign trail for the 2000 Presidential election, George W. Bush described himself as, "a uniter, not a divider." What the American people obviously took that to mean was that he would break through the partisanship that had taken hold of Washington and bring the people together as one to lead them forward into the new millenium. What has happened is slightly different.

For one shining moment, the day he stood on the rubble of the World Trade Center, he actually achieved that goal. His approval rating skyrocketed from a divided 55% to a united 92% almost overnight. From there it has been a steady decline, culminationg with the latest Washington Post poll which has his approval rating at 39%, the lowest it has ever been in that poll.

For the past few months, the reports surrounding these polls have announced the results in the same way - "Record Low Poll Numbers," "The President Hits A New Low," "Approval Ratings Drop," and so on. As this trend continues, with all the disasters and scandals and bad decisions and ethics violations hammering away at the last remnants of goodwill and support pulled from the wreckage of the World Trade Center he once stood atop, it looks like he is once again uniting the people, but this time, they are uniting against him.

UPDATE: "More Bad News For Bush" is the headline of the latest CBS poll, which reports a 35% approval rating for Preznit Shrub. Darth Cheney gets a whopping 19% approval.


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