We don't split hairs.

Friday, December 22, 2006

I've Been Tagged. I'm It.

I've been tagged by Tom over at Hespos.com, and now I have to reveal five personal attributes/anectodes that you, my faithful readers, may not know, or even wish to know about me. I'm always down for a public embarrassment, so here goes:

  • I hate mushrooms.

    When I say I hate mushrooms, I mean I really hate mushrooms. The smell, the taste, the texture, preparing them, everything about them. Preparing shittake mushrooms is the worst, especially when preparing them by the box as part of your job at a restaurant, like I did at Judie's Restaurant in Amherst, MA from 2000 until 2003.

  • I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I'm a fan of the books. The movies are okay but are nowhere near the excellence of the books. I know there are a lot of haters out there who have only seen the movies (or just a part of one movie), but basing one's opinion of Harry Potter on the movies without having read the books makes one a moron on the level of those who say Daniel Craig is the worst James Bond ever without having seen the new Casino Royale yet, or those who send others off to war without ever having fought in one themselves. Well...maybe not as moronic as the latter example, but coming close.

  • From 1996 until now I have moved residences twelve times within six cities and two states. During that span I have held eight jobs:

    • Day Camp Counselor in Wading River, NY
    • Sales Associate at Polo Jeans, Co. in Riverhead, NY
    • Dishwasher at Judie's in Amherst, MA
    • Sales Associate at Brooks Brothers in Riverhead, NY
    • Cook at Judie's (My second tour of duty)
    • Clerk at Video-To-Go in Amherst, MA (the best video store ever)
    • Barback at Aria in Boston, MA
    • Art Production Manager at ePromos in Manhattan, NY (my current position)

  • I have two dogs: Woody the Labradoodle, and Little Dude (El Dudarino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing) the Long Hair Chihuahua.
    I got Woody as a puppy while living in Boston a little over two years ago, and I adopted Little Dude (nee Jayden ugh!) from my sister a few months ago. I also have a cat, Chicken, who lives with my parents on Long Island.

  • I read at least a book a week, and I'm addicted to finishing the crossword puzzles and sudoku in whatever newspaper I buy, every morning on the way to work. In pen. People who use pencils for such games are weak.

That's it. That's all you're getting out of me. But feel free to post something about me yourself (maybe something even I don't know) in the comments. I can only tag a few people, not the five that everyone else seems to, because I only know a few other bloggers, but here they are:

  • Soynutz - an old friend who I worked with at two of the above jobs
  • Kezza - another old friend studying abroad in Australia
  • Rob - a not-as-old-as-the-other-two friend from my Boston days

On a side note, it has been quite some time since I last posted something here. I had just started a job and the commute was totally killing me, and then I moved and was still settling in. Now that I have no more excuses not to, however, I have been feeling the urge to write again, and as luck would have it, Tom decided to tag me. So check back often, because I plan on posting as much as I can, on whatever subject I happen to be thinking about at the moment.