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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Mile High And Rising

Potheads have had a string of good news lately, and today is no different.

Yahoo News reports that residents of Denver, Colorado have voted to legalize possession of up to an ounce of marijuana for personal use.

This news follows the report last week from the University of Colorado, and one two weeks ago, which detail health benefits and dismissed popular misconceptions about habitual use of marijuana.

Perhaps this is all leading towards an intelligent, instead of reactionary, public policy regarding the plant.


Blogger bloodysox said...

So..is it now legal or not to possess up to an ounce if you're over 21?

11:27 AM, November 03, 2005

Blogger JTA said...

Not state or federal-wise, but if you get caught by city cops, they probably won't do anything.

1:31 PM, November 03, 2005

Blogger bloodysox said...

Ok...but doesn't State Law supercede Town Law?

11:19 AM, November 04, 2005

Blogger JTA said...

Correct - just as federal law supercedes state law. But this gives the city cops legal reasoning to make it a low-priority concern so they can focus their time and money on other problems instead of people smoking weed.

11:37 AM, November 04, 2005


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