Beware Of The Giant Squid
A week ago, the NY Times reported that two Japanese scientists had made the world's first observations of a giant squid in the wild.
I disagree.
Since 2002, Washington lobbyist and all-around horrible guy Jack Abramoff has been under observation by the U.S. Department of Justice, and so far his tentacles have been found squirming wherever shady money deals and government corruption are uncovered. From the trials and tribulations of Tom Delay, to the arrest of David H. Safavian, the onetime Bush administration top procurement official, Abramoff's ink has stained a lot of people.
Today, his slimy suction cups were found attached to Timothy E. Flanigan, the Bush administration's nominee for the post of deputy attorney general. Flanigan withdrew his nomination, reportedly because he was going to be questioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee about his work with Abramoff as a senior lawyer for Tyco International Ltd while Abramoff was a lobbyist there.
Is there anyone in the White House not connected to Abramoff and his shady dealings?
No, blog splitter we are all connected by two degrees of separation
I worked for Jack Abramoff and the indian tribes through gt law
anyone who is a lobbyist dem or rep worked for Jack ---ANYONE
7:11 PM, October 07, 2005
Well highviz pr, maybe you should pay more attention to who you work for, so the rest of us NON-lobbyists, dem and rep, don't have to keep taking out your trash.
7:54 PM, October 07, 2005
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