We don't split hairs.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Doubtful Credibility

According to the NY Times, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security said LAST NIGHT:
"While not entirely dismissing it, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security described it as 'specific yet noncredible,' adding that the intelligence community had concluded that the information was of 'doubtful credibility.'"

Of course, being of doubtful credibility, the alert was taken more seriously than the August 6, 2001 briefing to the President which stated that Bin Laden was determined to strike the United States.

What is even more alarming than the credence lent to the uncorroborated report, is the fact that the information that led to this alert came LAST WEEKEND, yet the people heard nothing of it until the day that Karl "Turdblossom" Rove decided to testify in front of a grand jury investigating the Victoria Plame outing - for the FOURTH TIME and at the "eleventh hour" - as well as in the midst of the disastrous Harriet quag-Mier nomination.

On comedian David Cross's latest album "It's Not Funny" - which, I assure you, is very funny - he goes down a list of terror alerts and information damaging to the Bush Administration that came out immediately before the alerts were issued. It seems that he can add another item to that list.

UPDATE: Forbes.com reports that the bomb scare at Penn Station was indeed a hoax

UPDATE #2: CNN.com extends the NYC terror alert until Sunday. Have a nice day.

UPDATE #3: Yahoo News corroborates the theory that it was an uncorroborated hoax.


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