We don't split hairs.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

It's Miller Time!

Check out the video at this link: Click Here

Thanks go to Crooksandliars.com for posting this Oscarworthy film.

Now, my point for linking to it? What do you see? Because what I see is a drunk slurring his words, and then using his wife to hold his drunk ass up before he falls flat on his face. Watch how his hand flops on her shoulder and her weight shifts to accept his full weight, and then her left hand grabs him to stabilize him.

Perhaps the National Enquirer has been reporting the truth. Perhaps he has fallen off the wagon and started drinking again. It explains his erratic behavior of late. It explains his long vacations to clear brush and his extremely late response to Katrina. It explains the reports of his recently flaring short temper. It explains his inability to govern this country.

If the man would just come forward and admit his relapse into alcoholism, there are many in this country who would forgive him. They would use his story as a model for other alcoholics to follow. They would understand and move forward, giving him all the help he needed. Hell, they forgave Pat O'Brien and gave him his job back, and who the hell is he?

It would also become the number one story of his presidency, wiping Iraq, Scooter Libby, Judy Miller, Valerie Plame, torture, "black sites," the recent elections, and everything else off the front pages of the major newspapers of the world. The focus would be squarely on him. It probably wouldn't even be a reason to remove him as President. He could take a long vacation at Betty Ford or some other rehab clinic, and be back in time for the 2006 mid-term elections. The sympathy he would garner from such an act is incalculable.

Of course, he will never do such a thing. He doesn't admit when he's wrong, so why would he admit he has started drinking again. I guess we'll just have to be content with having a drunken fratboy carousing around the world starting fights.

It could be worse. He could step down and Cheney could be President.


Blogger bloodysox said...

Where's the video, man!

4:34 PM, November 14, 2005

Blogger JTA said...

Sorry about that. I guess C&L don't let you to link directly to their videos. The link now leads to their post which has the links to the video.

9:22 PM, November 14, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you out of your mind?

3:28 AM, November 15, 2005

Blogger JTA said...

Quite possibly, but that is beside the point.

Do you have any balls? Or do you hide behind anonymity because you think I'll come to your house late at night and wash your car?

Anyway, if you read the comments to that C&L post, you will see that I am not the only one who thinks he is three sheets to the wind.

10:59 AM, November 15, 2005

Blogger bloodysox said...

jta, I belive what the huge anonymous pussy (no offense) is saying is that you are out of your mind for thinking that if he were to come forward as a drunk and seek help it would be better for his approval rating than it is now. It's obvious, to me anyhow, that he was a little toasty in that video. I don't think the huge anonymous pussy (no offense) was disputing that.

11:10 AM, November 15, 2005

Blogger JTA said...

Well, his approval rating can't get much worse, and I think it would go up slighty or at least level out. At the bare minimum it would take the focus away from the horrible things he is doing to this world.
Look at the movie stars and musicians who go to rehab and come out with more public support and better press than they had before they went in.
Besides, being a drunk is not illegal, so he can't be impeached for it. It is viewed as an illness by most people, and I'm sure he would hide behind that definition of alcoholism when he is invariably attacked. Attacking a sick man is not something people like to do, and anyone who did would be thought of as worse. Hence his detractors would lose steam, giving him a little public support.

11:29 AM, November 15, 2005

Blogger bloodysox said...

"Damnit Otto, you're an alcoholic!"

"Damnit Otto, you have Lupus!"

One of those two just doesn't sound right.

-Mitch Hedberg

1:04 PM, November 15, 2005


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